
The Weekend Recap

Hooowheee! Doozy of a weekend. Not.

Uneventful. Went for a run. Ate cereal. Decide I want to do a dude weekend since no plans have been made. Watched Yojimbo for the 43rd time. Guess what? Its still one of the best movies ever, and it still makes me want to carry a sword and dare someone to look at me wrong. Went to bed.

Coffee is good. Coffee with cereal is even better. I run at the lake in the rain. It is zen.

Shit....Louisville scored again. Dad and I pack it in at halftime and decide that fajitas and Bohemia's are a considerably more appetizing alternative to the debacle that occured in Ken-Tuck-Eee.

Watched Be Cool. Now, I love Elmore Leonard...he's a fantastic writer, but this movie probably shouldn't have been made. That, or just made better. I mean, it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't the book.

I think I experienced a little slice of heaven on Sunday morning. The Cuisinart has reached icon status. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's a small tribe in Polynesia that worships my coffee maker. I enjoy coffee while reading the Sunday paper, and watch Norah Jones and the Handsome Band on HDTV.

I run some errands and watch football. My testosterone levels equalize.

Yankees win. Braves lose (I told ya so...).

Enjoy some online conversation with my new friend. Afterwards, I decide to call the Advertising Chick. The talk goes well, and I apologize for the way things went down last weekend. She accepts my apology, but continues to feel both regret for the way she handled the situation, and uncertainty about being able to see me. I just tell her that, while I enjoy hanging out with her, I cannot commit to anything more than a casual relationship at this time. She understands. We end the conversation cordially, but I have a feeling that she's going to be moving on. Probably for the best.

All is well. I feel balanced. Life is damn good. That said, someone needs to take me out this Friday night and get me fucked-in-half drunk. Any takers?


Blogger sethro said...

I'd wager that Bees has written, not only for Penthouse Forum, but other fine periodicals such as Cheri, Oui, and Swank.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 8:47:00 AM  

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