
Random Thoughts for the Week

-I think my 4 year old nephew is a child prodigy when it comes to electronics. Last time he was over, he takes out a DVD, puts it in the player, grabs the remote, presses just the right buttons, and the DVD starts. My ex-wife couldn't work this thing. My engineer father couldn't work this thing. Hell, even I get confused from time to time. Not only am I impressed, I've contacted MIT to start planning his future. His parents won't mind. MIT isn't that expensive. Is it?

-Things that are sucktacular (in no particular order):
Mutant camel crickets, like the ones in my garage
Condoms...all brands, all styles

Unretractable statements of commitment

Ingrown hairs and razor bumps
Tapered jeans

-Things that rock my nuts (in no particular order):
Akira Kurosawa films
Albacore tuna wraps with wasabi mustard

Whole Foods grocery stores
Mutual attraction
Receiving unexpected email
Kenneth Cole

-I wouldn't want to be a stripper in Seattle. Or worse, a strip-joint patron in Seattle.

-Anyone want to bet that the Astros beat the Braves in the 1st round of the NL playoffs.

-I had no idea my future wife was already married. With this news and with the events of this weekend, I am convinced that my best recourse is moving to Tibet and becoming a Buddhist monk.

-A decision has to be made this week on whether I get my puppy. I want one. Badly. I'm just in love with this little girl, but I know that money might be better spent on the house. Help me, blog readers...you're my only hope.

EDIT: One more thing that happens to be sucktactular:
Those fucking cheap ass coffee cups from Starbucks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you have camel crickets there too? I hadn't seen them until we moved back to NJ - 1st time I've seen them - they took over our last basement - scary as fuck when they are in the kitchen sink in the morning - let's just say some weren't very happy with them.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 1:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as the puppy goes - I hear you on wanting one badly - but please think about it - otherwise I will be forced to drive down there and shake you until your head snaps - love our crazy ass people biting dog fighting dogs - that being said - don't do it - they take almost all of your time - I'm serious - I know I know - you've had dogs before - I am just saying you'll be much happier presently without one. If you need the fix that bad go on to a rescue this weekend and play with the dogs for a few hours - you'll enjoy it, they'll enjoy it - and you'll still have free time :) PLeeeeeeeease..

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 1:48:00 PM  
Blogger sethro said...

Yes. Camel crickets. One got in my car somehow, decided to wait until I was driving down a dark road, then jump on me, simultaneously giving me a small coronary, nearly shit myself, and almost run into the ditch. They are now my nemeses.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:31:00 PM  
Blogger sethro said...

And as for the puppy....LOOK HOW CUTE SHE IS!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:41:00 PM  
Blogger sethro said...

Ms. Bees...I'm beginning to think you're my left coast soulmate. And with that, procreation is an option. Producing a race (well, at least a litter) of genetically (ahem and fashionably) superior offspring has been my life's dream.

Hmm...4 pair of Kenneth Cole's? You should know, I have a massive shoe fetish. shudder

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 9:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You 2 need to stay away from each other, and not hang pictures. ;) Don't get the dog - and please don't let anyone make out w/ it - even if it seems to enjoy it- it's still abuse.. ;) You'll thank me later after you created your stupposedly genetically superior race and figure out you have no free time.. just look at the camel crickets - superior my ass....

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 9:41:00 AM  
Blogger sethro said...

Hmm...no animal abuse here, though I'm available for a serpentine makeout session.

Now I'm here...you're there. The evil corporate empire I may or may not work for has a lab in Alameda. I must manipulate "the system" yet again to further my evil plots....

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 2:51:00 PM  

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