
The Weekend Recap 11.7.05

I love Mondays. Just as a FYI, that was sarcasm.

So I'm pretty late with my Weekend Recap post. Work is nuts and I've had no time to myself recently. My apologies, folks. Won't happen again.

Kiko and I have a veternarian appointment. The Vet Assistant is still overly nice, exceedingly talkative, and quite flirty. I do not ask her out because of what has been going on with the FOF. I'm not sure whether to kick myself or commend myself.

FOF comes over around 7ish and we grab some great Chinese from Orient Garden. We had planned on checking out a movie, but both of us are beat from the week, so we decide to head back to my place for some wine. One bottle of Cabernet, another of Pinot Noir and we are hot and heavy on the couch. Honestly, I feel like I'm in high school again. I had forgotten what The Dry Humping was like. Anyway, this goes on for hours...literally. At this point, I'm pretty sure I could hammer a nail into a solid steel wall with my manhood. Unfortunately, there's no relief for either Sethro or Sethro Jr. She stays the night.

FOF and I have some coffee and breakfast. She leaves shortly after, since Pops is coming over so we can head to the game. I'm actually a little sad to see her leave.

Dad arrives and we pack up for the game (including tailgating fuel). The day is beautiful and there's nothing like Chapel Hill in the Autumn on gameday. The Tar Heels tease me yet again with a huge win, keeping them hopeful for bowl eligibility.

Saturday evening was uneventful. For the most part. I was absolutely exhausted so I just chilled. Received a couple text messages from FOF while she was out downtown with her friends, and that was a nice surprise. To add to the shock factor, she ends up calling around 11. She wants to know if she can come over. She wants to know if she can stay because she really enjoyed spending the night with me on Friday. I'm a sucker, so I say, sure. We basically just hang out and talk for a bit. We're both a little narcoleptic...sleep beckons.

Cereal and coffee (as if you had to ask). She is impressed by my masterful coffee (and who wouldn't be...its from The Cuisinart). We actually enjoy some morning time together, just hanging out on the couch...more conversation, a little background jazz. We make plans for later that afternoon.

Our plans involved taking Kiko to the Dog Park, and while the true Queen of Sethroland is reluctant to take a drive, she eventually succumbs to my will and gets in the car (i.e. I pick her up and put her in). Meet up with FOF and I introduce Kiko to the roommate's cats. Heh. Another coaxing into the car and off we go. Kiko loves the Dog Park, and the Dog Park loves Kiko. She is officially tabbed as a slut puppy since both dog and owner alike cannot resist her puppy cuteness, personality, charm, and gorgeous markings. Well, that, and apparently her ass emits some sort of dog pheremone that makes every single dog in the park want to come sniff her. Kiko quickly establishes herself as the Alpha Bitch in the small dog / puppy section. Despite Kiko's protestations, we say goodbye to all the new friends and head out of there. A quick trip by Backyard Burger (yum!) and we're back at FOF's.

After dinner, I head back to the house with the puppy bear, as FOF follows. I mean, it is Sunday, and Grey's Anatomy does come on at 10pm. And she has the new Office Space with Flair DVD. As an aside, a woman who likes Office Space is OK in my book. We watch both. Sorta. Lots of making out and other stuff during Office Space. Sometimes its good to watch a movie that both parties have seen previously. Anywho, she ends up leaving a little later, and I'm finally able to get more than 4 hours of sleep. Who do I talk to about a parade?

Lots of time spent with FOF. Still no Secks. More to come later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds delightful, Sethro- absolutely delightful! :)

A couple questions:
1. What do you think about women who call to ask if they cam come over? My friends are quite divided on the woman-initiated stayover impact on the success rate of the relationship...meaning- did it at all seem too easy?

2. No kicking. You should, indeed, comment yourself.

3. You still wondering if this is what you want?

PS- adult highschool rocks!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was "commend," you know. Coffee. Need. Coffee.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 11:56:00 AM  
Blogger Jamy said...

Mmm...Bojangles. Miss that.

You know, FOF's patience will be wearing thin pretty soon. The Secks is imminent.

Your reaction to her to completely different than to the other women you've dated recently. You were sad to see her go, happy to spend almost the entire weekend together and there were no rough patches.

Have fun!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 1:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm.. no - don't miss the Bojangles ;).. that shit will kill you.

Funny, I just set up my cube this afternoon with my Office Space Flair set - who wants the TPS report?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 3:10:00 PM  
Blogger ACG said...

hey wait...
isn't the whole no sex (i refuse to use that weird ass spelling thang) thang with fof cause you are sure if you want to be in an exclusive thang with her, but you didn't ask out the vet tech cause of your relationship with fof??
so lets see...
you're in exclusive relationship kinda by default of your actions, but cause it was just by your actions and not you admission, you ain't gettin none in your exclusive relationships.
hey seth, looks like the only one you're screwing is yourself (said with a wink a smile... but still TRUE!)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 4:49:00 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

hmmm cuisinart coffee and grey's anantomy. i would be hooked.

and still no secks. you're still alive!!

p.s. - the pumas are up on my newest post :)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 9:57:00 PM  
Blogger sethro said...

Datingirl, answers to your questions:

1) Never seems too easy, but then again, I'm far more into chicks who speak their mind and do what they want to do. No game playing.

2) Thanks...hope I made the right decision. I tend to limit my options in times like these, only to kick myself later when the relationship I'm in at the time doesn't work out.

3) Still wondering a little. But taking things as they come.

PS: The Dry Humping does not rock.

Jamy, Oooo, a Bo's fan. Woman after my own heart.

So yes, my reaction is different. I'm hoping its not just because its new. Because if it is just the newness, the No Secks Policy is gonna put a wrinkle on things.

Paul, Those TPS reports were due on my desk yesterday. Didn't you get the memo? I'm going to have to ask you to come in this Saturday and work. Yeah.

ACG, I hate logic. What is it with you folks from Philly, using strange black magic of the mind, what's called logic and reasoning and rationale.

VP, alls I can say is that my coffee is to die for. Its all in the blending. As for Grey's Anatomy...well, I'm hooked there.

Heading to check out the Puma's.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 10:14:00 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

How 'bout those Heels? Most baffling team in the ACC.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 9:37:00 AM  
Blogger Jamy said...

That logic is a killer, isn't it?

The time when I took FOF's position and the fella took yours, he did exactly what you did.

So, you know, unless it would wreck all your feelings for her (and why would it? you would just be admitting to doing what you're already doing), make it exclusive OUT LOUD and get out of HS.

And have fun. And break up when if you're not.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 6:17:00 PM  
Blogger sethro said...

Phil, agreed. I'd give a shiny buffalo nickel for a little bit of winning consistency.

Jamy, getting out of high school would be nice.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 7:13:00 PM  

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