
I'm Lazy, So Here Are More Random Thoughts

-I had a three pound salad for lunch (literally...it was weighed). My bowels will thank me for the fibrous cleansing, however, my asshole has already warned me that I'll, as he puts it, be in for a world of hurt later.

-Knock wood. Kiko is 98% potty trained. No accidents lately, and she's held through the night for the past 4 nights. Even woke me up at 4:45am yesterday morning to let me know she had to go outside. Uh...thanks, Kiko. That said, I'll give the sarcasm a rest. Better to get less sleep than to spend an extra 15 minutes on cleaning soiled carpet.

-Kids are fucking hilarious. I wish I was still a kid. In fact, I wish I was the one on the right. That'd be the face I would make too.

-Must.....resist....urge....to....eat....leftover....Halloween....Snickers. Damn those wily chocolatiers at Mars, Incorporated.

-FOF is coming over tonight to go for a run with me. Should be interesting to see if she can keep up. If she can, she gets major bonus points and kudos. If she can't, I think she's still worth keeping around. Either way, we're going to hang out afterwards, maybe get some chinese.

-Steve America, calling Steve America. Put my nephew Thunder in his cage and come have libations with me Saturday night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my comment is completely unrelated to your post - but the question is - are you a metrosexual or ubersexual? I was reading another blog and w/ your apparent clothing/shoe fetish now.. i figured i should ask.

On another unrelated note - you could be driving your bitch-ass up here right now and going to the Flyers w/ us, going to the corner bar, sleeping in our new 'somewhat positive the structure is sound' house - and you'd be able to see the city w/ our public transportation on strike - leaving our street w/ many many open parking spaces now :) asshat.

Thursday, November 03, 2005 12:41:00 PM  
Blogger sethro said...

Paul - I am a Mubersexual. The perfect combination of both. Stylish AND manly.

On your other unrelated note, yes, 'tis true. I'd be remiss if I didn't offer my apologies and regrets publically, so here I am. I am officially Teh Suckā„¢.

Thursday, November 03, 2005 3:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mubersexual? sounds like the consqequences of contracting the avain bird flu :) No need to apologize... I was just giving you shit. I know you'll mosey up here once you run through all the ladies in NC... ;)

Friday, November 04, 2005 10:06:00 AM  

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