
Random Thoughts for the Week

-I move on Thursday. I feel like a kid at Christmas.

-Internet dating is like online shopping, except better. I don't have to spend any money, and if I end up not liking my "purchase", I can just send it back. Of course, I've never had a pair of shoes tell me that they'd like to be worn by me, but my timing was bad because someone else just started wearing them....so maybe it isn't completely analogous.

-Ok, I'm pretty sure that I'm in love with Jessica Alba.

-There should be a national standardized test for incompentence. If you fail it, you have to take a job milking goats in Kazakhstan, or some other desolate shithole. There should never be a situation where these people have an opportunity to impact one's life up in any way. For instance, potentially causing one's mortgage loan to be delayed. Or making policies like not being able to continue using the same phone number one has had for the past 8 years, at a new house not 5 minutes away from one's current residence.

-Why do I like Dirty South rap? Its crude and mindless, but I can't help but shake my ass to it. Damn you Lil' Jon. Damn you. YEEEEEAAAAHHHH!

-I think NC State is going to whip the shit out of UNC this weekend. The games are normally close, but I just have a bad feeling about this one.

-Am I alone in feeling like everyone but me has one of those cellphone earpieces? Am I also alone in thinking that everytime I see one I think the person is wearing a hearing aid? I'm convinced that the hands-free cellphone is the trucker hat for yuppies.

-Today is National Talk Like A Pirate Day (I am not shitting you). In observance..... Arrrr! Avast ye mateys! I be in search of ale and whores...arrr!


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